Tuesday, 19 April 2011

The Gallery: My (Other) Blog

Like most folk, my blogging life has evolved through several stages.

One of my favourites (though with a limited shelf life) was my attempt at something like the blogging love child of Adian Mole and Bridget Jones.
My very own online journal called "The Secret Diary of a Transplanted Brit-Chick, Aged 44 and 3/4"

It was an attempt to catalogue my hum-drum life in a way that others like me might recognise - and perhaps make someone, somewhere smile.

I had to abandon it after I turned 45. Either that or change the title.

It's still there at http://transplantedbritchick.blogspot.com/ if any of you fancy a look and don't mind delving back into the annals of 2009.
(Stop sniggering, you at the back! I said "annals" with TWO 'n's).


  1. It's odd isn't it - I started my blog, not knowing where it was going, and now I've been doing it for a year, I almost feel as though I've created a 'style' and can't do something different. I've often thought about starting another, radically different blog, but know I'd never find the time to keep both going. Anyway, I started reading you in your present incarnation, and thoroughly enjoy it - thank you!

  2. Hello! Popped over after seeing your comment on my blog. Thank you. They are funny things - blogs - aren't they! Great to meet you!

    Do go & see some of the children's work. I have showcased some each week - not always the best but you can see potential & effort!I love it that they comment on each others too! They'd love your thoughts I'm sure!

  3. Any chance of an email subscription for the blog? I'm rubbish at readers!

  4. Sharon - Why thank you my dear. I'm blushing.

    jfb57 - I'd be happy to adding an email sub to the blog, but - being a techy ignoramous - not sure how. Can anyone help me with that?

  5. haha! We gave our blog posts the same title!

  6. great reading how your blog has evolved and very funny that you had to change the name as you 'grew' out of it - wonderful to meet someone of the same vintage as myself (we rock!)

  7. It's funny how loads of us started blogging one way and then changed tack a little bit. It really is a learning curve!

  8. I like your honesty and how you share your blogging journey. My Gallery try is over at http://gigglingatitall.blogspot.com

  9. Its interesting to hear how your blogging has evolved- especially as I am very new to the blog world!
