Tuesday, 19 May 2009

And the Award(s) goes to....

Yesterday, to my utter surprise and blushing delight, I was given a wee Award for this little blog-o-mine.

Out of the blue, Nora Johnson - author of the brilliant and award-winning blog http://nora-johnson.blogspot.com/ - decided to include me in the ten blogs she nominated for the "One Lovely Blog Award".

It's not a big deal, it's simply a way of spreading the word and sharing with whatever readers we may have the blogs that we have recently discovered, enjoyed and think others will enjoy too. And when a fellow blogger chooses to read and follow my efforts, it's a huge honour.

Nora told us that the Rules are simple:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who’s given it plus his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 10 other blogs that you’ve recently discovered. And contact the bloggers to let them know they've been chosen for this award.

So that's what I'm doing. Below is my top ten (there are others, but the limit is ten) nominations for blogs that you really should check out the following (in no particular order):

1. The trials & tribulations of urban gardening pioneer (and my best mate) Sarah, a.k.a. Farmer Georgy, Georgygirl, etc. http://plotz.blogsome.com

2. The very VERY talented Lucy Pepper, another transplanted Brit (she's in Portugal) at

3. From the co-author of "Backwards in High Heels" (I'm eagerly awaiting my copy any day now), Tania Kindersley, at

4. The musings of a wife and mother trying to make sense of this weird old world we live in at http://itsnotjustmeisit.blogspot.com

5. Stevyn Colgan, our token male (in this list) and author of "Joined Up Thinking" (also eagerly awaited) at

6. Hints on acheiving (or not) Domestic Divinity at

7. A brilliant writer who just happens to be another wife and mum at

8. The lovely and self-explanatory

9. The thoughts of an author juggling real-life and day job with getting published, at

10. The Diary of a Diet from Hannah Jones (recently of BBC documentary fame) at

I hope you enjoy reading these blogs as much as I do.


  1. Thanks for the lovely award. I don't even know how to blog! Secretly, my Significant (thin) Other posts them for me. I'm officially useless... but with a virtual gong now, so at least things are looking up.

    Hannah Jones


  2. A very well-deserved award for you, my sweet!!

    And huge blushes for mine... :)

  3. What a lovely surprise! Am very honoured. Thank you very much! x

  4. Please forgive incredibly rude delay in thanking you so much for the award and congratulating you on your own. Shall rush and make my list now. Thank you, thank you.
